Do as I say, not as I do
Model: Marsha D, Art: Brooke Shaden
Learning a craft is hard work and I wish this was all that was required. If we want to make a living from our art, we have to overcome our limiting beliefs around money, talent and the role of art. These beliefs cripple us or, at best, cause us to lose faith and question our worth.
For a while, I thought I was alone in this regard. But as I interviewed and spoke to those who have gone before us on this journey, I began to realize that we all suffer from these debilitating beliefs.
I recently ran a survey where I asked about the work I was producing and what was resonating with people. At the end, I asked two questions. Do they consider themselves someone who buys art? And to identify their profession.
Only two people said they do not consider themselves someone who buys art. And both self-identified as artists. In other words, out of over a hundred responses, only artists said they don't buy art.
This floors me. We want people to support us and our art in one breath and in the next we are telling the world that even we wouldn't support the arts.
I get it. As artists, we don't have a lot of disposable income. Things are tight. But if we don't believe that art is worth supporting, how can we expect others to do so?
We have to become the change we wish to see in the world. I now buy more art in one month than I did in the past ten years. I buy little things and I cherish every one as I recognize that I am giving hope and encouragement to the artists I love.
Who are you supporting? What are your beliefs about the worth of your art?
I go into this and more in the book I am launching this month. The two people from my survey may be excited to find out they can get this book for free.