Impossible List

I was inspired by Jon Wilkening to create my very own Impossible List. This is not a To Do list, but rather a series of challenges. My way of standing on top of the mountain and screaming out with my soul about all the things I am drawn to do. The crazier and more impossible the better.

“Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” 

― Shel Silverstein

2019 Impossible List

[  ] - Be the keynote speaker for a conference

[  ] - Live entirely off of my audio podcast income

[  ] - Get a TV deal for one of our podcast properties

[ ] - Bring my improv troupe to New York City to perform

[ ] - Do a live show of one of our podcasts to screaming fans

[ ] - Have one of the McElroy brothers appear on one of our shows (without fainting)

[ ] - Hit 5 million downloads on one of our shows

[ ] - Start photographing again

2017 Impossible List

[  ] - Give back to rural communities in Canada - directly create opportunity for those in need

[  ] - Give back to rural communities in the USA - directly create opportunity for those in need

[  ] - Create and sell a photo book of the people creating hope and opportunity in the world

[  ] - World tour where I meet many of the people on my Amazing People list/map

[ X ] - Live within my means (sadly, this clearly belongs on my impossible list)

[ X ] - Lose 50 pounds (ALMOST! Checking it off, dammit!)

[ X ] - Remove Dairy and Sugar from my diet

[  ] - Become recognized as a photographer of skill by Canon/Nikon/Sony/etc.

[  ] - Be paid to travel and photograph a part of the world / community

[  ] - Feel comfortable and confident within my own skin even when around large groups of people

[  ] - Meet and photograph Elon Musk and Barack Obama

[ X ] - Spend six months where I don't owe anyone any damn back taxes

[ X ] - Debt free (Briefly. I hope that counts!)

2015/2016 list


[X] - Go on one of David duChemin's epic overseas adventures. (TWICE, Mother F'er!)

[  ] - Spend a week shooting in Iceland in the worst of weather.

[ X ] - Be printing and doing emulsion transfers at EPIC sizes, like six feet by 3 feet or larger. (getting close!)

[  ] - Gallery exhibition of my work.

[X] - Road trip where I shoot with some of the amazing people I have been meeting. (TWICE!)


[X] - Launch my Marketing Coaching Business.


[  ] - Be IN SERVICE to these 10,000 followers.

[  ] - Put on a Taking the Leap! retreat.

[X] - Diversify my revenue to more than 3 always working sources.

[X] - Launch my second book in 2015.


[  ] - Live in a thriving artist community.

[X] - Have a sunny and spacious art studio. Or better yet. Learn to build one!

[X] - Have amazing stories to tell once again.

[  ] - Drop sugar from my diet.

[X] - Do my best to embrace love and kindness for myself and for everyone. ONGOING PRACTICE!