Goals and Conversions - They matter, even for artists!
A few people have asked me if they should be running paid advertising - pay per click type through Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.
The answer is "probably" but with a giant caveat; make sure you aren't throwing your money away.
The best way to make sure you aren't pouring money into the toilet is to track conversions. You set a goal that you want people to achieve on your website. It could be to buy something, visit a page or join your newsletter. Then you track how many of the people who click on your ads accomplish your desired goal. This is a conversion.
I created these two videos to explain goals and conversions and then to give a high level introduction to the reports and how to set up a goal. I am using Google Analytics and Squarespace.
In this first of two videos, I cover the principles and concepts around why we should set up goals and track conversions as artists and creators. In the next video, I will show how to create a goal in Google Analytics and a trick for tracking newsletter signups in Squarespace
In the first video, I covered the principles and concepts around why we should set up goals and track conversions as artists and creators. In this video, I show how to create a goal in Google Analytics and why goals matter. For the Squarespace users, I share a trick for tracking newsletter signups with Squarespace.
Please let me know if these are helpful. I'm curious as to whether the second video is clear enough or if I should break it down further.