Mural on The Cameron House, Queen St. West.

The Intercity Toronto Project

This is a work in progress. You can learn more and even participate at:

Mural on The Cameron House, Queen St. West.

Mural on The Cameron House, Queen St. West.

This image captures so many of the ideas I set out to explore in a new project titled Intercity Toronto; the spaces, residents and communities overlooked by those with power, influence and means. 

Please participate at: The InterCity Project.

St. James Town

St. James Town

I was drawn to St James Town because it seemed strange that the most densely populated community in Canada would also be entirely private property, with pretty much no public space or any of the services that would generally be found elsewhere in the city.

The abandoned pool in St. James Town

The abandoned pool in St. James Town

Regent Park

Regent Park

Regent Park is in the midst of tumultuous, and some argue, callous change. It will be the most ambitious redevelopment of a neighborhood in Toronto’s recent history. Almost overnight, this part of the city is being transformed into a shiny, new “utopia” with many of the residents having been migrated elsewhere, regardless of their wishes. 

Linwood Lane Park

Linwood Lane Park

A part of the Flemingdon Park community/area.

Learn more and participate at: The InterCity project on Medium