I had wanted to hang with Tania of Red Dot Design for quite some time. She produces the truly gorgeous This and That Images and while we had never met, we had known each other online for quite some time.
I am an introvert of the highest order, so it was difficult for me to reach out and ask if she was interested in shooting with me. I remember her turning me down, albeit nicely, as she was quite swamped with work. I figured it was a nice way to back out of an awkward situation (going on a day trip with someone you don't know), but to my surprise she reached out to me a few weeks later to book the trip.
So earlier today we met before dawn and headed off in a random westerly direction. We shot the sun rising over the industrial smoke stacks of Hamilton, ran around the Hammer shooting old signs, ate breakfast in a wonderful little cafe, overpaid for gas and raced away leaving a perplexed gas attendant just standing there, and then raised havoc over milkshakes in an old country diner.
Tania gasped when she saw this building and so I pulled over and we scurried around the parking lot shooting in every direction.
I loved seeing what caught her eye and then using that to push myself to find different images – to see things differently.
Alone, I don't know if either of us would have been able to get this shot. Together we manage to approach, engage and get permission to take their photo!
For the first time in a long time, I had an ally to approach strangers and ask to take their photos!

We stumbled across the charred remains of an abandoned structure that had been someones cherished little country home. It was sad and a bit surprising to see that all the furniture, knick knacks, plates and mugs still laying where they fell who knows how long ago. We wandered around this farm house for about 2 hours feeling blessed to have come across it.
There is something transformative about setting out on an adventure with someone else who has similar passions, talents and interests. We laughed, shared tricks of the trade and when I sat down to look at what I shot on this trip, I realized my work had been pushed ahead by the interaction. And I had an amazing time to boot.
Here's to more crazy adventures. I vow to reach out to others and push myself to leave my comfort zone. Will you join me? What is your next adventure?